Stolz und Vorurteil und Zombies - wtf?

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Moderatoren: Bulletrider, Kopremesis

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Registriert: Fr 30. Jun 2006, 06:46
Wohnort: wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Stolz und Vorurteil und Zombies - wtf?

Beitrag von Bulletrider »

gerade entdeckt:

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009) is a novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. It is a mashup[1] combining Jane Austen's classic 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice with elements of modern zombie fiction. Austen is credited as co-author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It was first published in April 2009 by Quirk Books and in October 2009 a Deluxe Edition was released.[2] Recently, it was also announced that Steve Hockensmith is to author a prequel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls, to be published on March 30, 2010.[3]


The story follows the plot of Pride and Prejudice, but places the novel in an alternative universe version of Regency-era England where zombies (and indeed skunks and chipmunks) roam the English countryside. Described as the "stricken," "sorry stricken," "undead," "unmentionables," or just "zombies" (though the word "zombie" did not enter the English language until 1819)[10], the deceased ancestors of England are generally viewed by the characters as a troublesome, albeit deadly, nuisance. Their presence alters the original plot of the story in both subtle and significant ways: Messages between houses are sometimes lost when the couriers are captured and eaten; characters openly discuss and judge the zombie-fighting abilities of others; women weigh the pros and cons of carrying a musket (it provides safety, but is considered "unladylike")....

mehr auf: ... nd_Zombies

wird wohl mit Natalie Portman jetzt auch verfilmt...

Beitrag von nemesis »

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Registriert: Fr 30. Jun 2006, 06:46
Wohnort: wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Beitrag von Bulletrider »

ähämm.... jaaaaa... hmmm... :mrgreen:

Following the tradition set by Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, A. E. Moorat has created his own historical/horror mash-up novel. On October 15th, London publisher Hodder & Stoughton will release Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter, an “alternative history of Britains feistiest queen, packed full of blood, guts, and flesh-eating zombies.”
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Beiträge: 16466
Registriert: Fr 30. Jun 2006, 06:46
Wohnort: wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Beitrag von Bulletrider »

Der zweite Teil der Jane A. "alternate" Reihe ist auch draußen :mrgreen:


und Teil 3 ist bereits in der Mache:
Android Karenina

" in the original Anna Karenina, the steampunk novel will follow both the tragic adulterous love affair of Anna Karenina and Count Alexei Vronsky and the more hopeful marriage of Nikolai Levin and Princess Kitty Shcherbatskaya. These characters live in a steampunk-inspired world of robotic butlers, clumsy automatons, and rudimentary mechanical devices. But when these copper-plated machines begin to revolt against their human masters, our characters must fight back using state-of-the-art Victorian era technology—and a sleek new model of ultra-human cyborgs like nothing the world has ever seen. Android Karenina, attributed to Leo Tolstoy and Ben H. Winters, will be released on June 8."

Beitrag von nemesis »

Mal ehrlich, was soll dieser Mist? Haben die Autoren keine eigenen Ideen mehr für gute Geschichten?
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Beiträge: 16466
Registriert: Fr 30. Jun 2006, 06:46
Wohnort: wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Beitrag von Bulletrider »

ich glaube auch, dass man die sicherlich nicht lesen muss, aber irgendwie finde ich die Idee an sich schon bekloppt witzig. Aber Geld dafür ausgeben würde ich auch nicht...